Encryption Method for Systems with Limited Computing Resources(Conference Paper) Chernenko, R., Anosov, A., Kyrychok, R., Brzhevska, Z., Spasiteleva, S. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine Краткое описание Due to the active development of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, more and more systems of interconnected devices and sensors are appearing that collect various data and transmit them through gateways to remote servers. It goes without saying that this data must be protected at all stages. This is especially important for data on the functioning of potentially dangerous objects and devices. Because of the features of devices with limited computing resources, it is impossible to use standard methods of information protection in the gateway-built-in sensor link. The article considers the algorithm of the Internet of Things system using limited devices, which consists of a gateway for receiving data from sensors and transmitting them to servers and limited devices used for data collection and encryption. The proposed algorithm describes the process of data packet generation, key generation, encryption, transmission, and decryption of data received from sensors. The reliability of data encryption transmitted in the gateway-built-in sensor link is ensured by the generation of a truly random sequence - the encryption key, based on the initial measured value on the unconnected and ungrounded analog input of the microcontroller, and a series of arithmetic operations. © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Ключевые слова автора encryptionInternet of ThingsIoTnetwork securityrandom number generationVernam cipher Включенные в указатель ключевые слова Engineering controlled terms: CryptographyData acquisitionGateways (computer networks)Network securityRandom number generation Engineering uncontrolled terms Built-in sensorsComputing resourceData encryptionEncryption methodsInternet of things technologiesLimited devicesNetworks securityRandom-number generationRemote serversVernam ciphers Engineering main heading: Internet of things ISSN: 16130073 Тип источника: Conference Proceeding Язык оригинала: English Тип документа: Conference Paper Редакторы тома: Sokolov V.,Radivilova T.,Ustimenko V.,Nazarkevych M. Издатель: CEUR-WS